Circular Garden

Farthest of all, the Circular Garden is also known as the Sunken Garden or Pearl Garden because of its shape. Originally called the Butterfly Garden, Lutyens said, “I am making a butterfly garden—of all the plants butterflies like.” Its amphitheater like structure is contained by rings of flower beds that are planted with fragrant varieties of stock, phlox and pansies of different colours, marigold, viola, alyssum and many more.

Silver Trumpet Banner Presentation Ceremony

The President’s Bodyguard (PBG), as it is known today, was raised in 1773 at Benares by the then Governor General, Warren Hastings, with a strength of fifty handpicked troopers. This unique body of selected troops, in over two centuries of dedicated service, has played various roles as mounted and dismounted cavalry and more recently as mechanized and airborne troops. The President’s Bodyguard has completed two hundred and forty two years of distinguished service.

The President's Polo Cup

“The President’s Polo Cup” was introduced in the year 1975, under the patronage of Late President Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed who was the then Patron-in-Chief of Indian Polo Association (IPA). At that point of time, the IPA was held with the President's Bodyguard (PBG) and accordingly, the President's Bodyguard was responsible for conduct of the President’s Polo Cup on behalf of the President’s Secretariat.

The Clock Tower

Built in the year 1925 by Sir Edwin Lutyens, the Clock Tower is a heritage building. Originally known as the Band House, it was built for band practices of the British Army. The Clock Tower is located in Schedule B of the President’s Estate which now serves as the reception for the Rashtrapati Bhavan Museum Complex (RBMC). Previously, it was used as the post office of Rashtrapati Bhavan and also for residential quarters.

Central Lawn

One of the important gardens of Rashtrapati Bhavan are the central lawn. Square in shape with its side measuring forty five metres, the central lawn serves the main venue for the annual 'At Home' ceremonies hosted by the President of India on Republic Day and Independence Day.

Sculpture of Lord Buddha

Known as Sahastrabahu Avlokiteshvara, the one thousand armed sculpture of Lord Buddha was a gift from the Government of Vietnam to India’s second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The Sanskrit work Sahastrabahu means ‘one with 1000 arms’ and Avlokiteshvara means, ‘The lord who looks upon the world in compassion.’ This avatar of Buddha is a personification of compassion. It is believed that the thousand hands allow Lord Buddha to reach out and help the sufferers.


Known as the Daughter of the Ganatantra Mandap, Rashtrapati Bhavan's Library’ is located at the north-eastern corner of the Bhavan and is accessed through the north staircase.

Tungabhadra (Long Drawing Room)

Long Drawing Room (LDR), as the name suggests, is a long conference room of the Rashtrapati Bhavan where the President used to host the annual conferences of Governors/Lieutenant-Governors. This room is also used by the Hon’ble President to attend meetings with select groups and organizations. Situated near the Ganatantra Mandap, the Long Drawing Room has two doors that open to the corridors of North Drawing Room and the South Drawing Room on either end.