Telephone Directory

Telephone Directory

Administration Wing-President's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
Name Designation Office Phone Number Office Fax Number Email Residential Address
Ms. Aishwarya Rawat Private Secretary 23015321, (4224) - -
Ms. Swati Shahi Director 23015321 (4631), 23793893 - -
Smt R.K.Maheswari Private Secretary 23015321, (4631) - -
Shri Joseph Antony Director 23015321 (4285), 23011018, 23010680 - -
Shri Shivendra Chaturvedi Director 23015321, (4313) - D-1/23,Type V-B Sch. 'A', President's Estate
Shri Gajraj Singh Officer on Special Duty (Hindi) 23019852, (4261) - -
Shri Bharat Bhushan Deputy Secretary & CPIO 23015321 (4483), 23012042 - b[dot]bhushan[dot]rb[at]nic[dot]in 17 Sch 'B', President's Estate
Shri Pankaj Saurabh Under Secretary (Administration and Establishment) 23015321 (4762), 23794002 - pankaj[dot]saurabh[at]nic[dot]in 33, Sch. 'B', President's Estate
Shri S.M. Sami Under Secretary (CA-I, CA-II and President's Garden) 23015321 (4292), 23013749 - sm[dot]sami[at]nic[dot]in -
Smt. Davinder Kohli Under Secretary (General Administration and Garage) 23015321 (4381), 23013726 - usga-tpt[at]rb[dot]nic[dot]in -