Telephone Directory

Telephone Directory

Others-President's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
Name Designation Office Phone Number Office Fax Number Email Residential Address
Shri Amit Gothwal Executive Chef 23015321, (4616), (4373) - -
Section Officers-President's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
Name Designation Office Phone Number Office Fax Number Email Residential Address
Shri Ashok Kumar Section Officer (Invitation) 23012960,23018345, 23015321, 4229/4479 23013189 kumar[dot]ashok67[at]nic[dot]in -
Smt. Lakshmi Mahara Booshanam Section Officer (IIAU) 23015321 (4307) - -
Smt. Neeta Thawani Section Officer (Reference & Clipping and Message) 23015321, (4329) - neeta[dot]thawani[at]nic[dot]in -
Smt. Phulwa Devi Section Officer (Welfare) 23010193, 23015321, (4471) - phulva[dot]devi[at]nic[dot]in -
Shri Zubair Alam Khan Section Officer (CA-II) 23793892, 23015321 (4394) - zubairalam[dot]khan[at]nic[dot]in -
Smt. Kamlesh Bora Section Officer (Public-I), Additional charge of Public-II Section 23010415, 23015321, (4453), 23015381 (4418) - -
Shri Rajesh Kumar Section Officer (Administration) 23015321, (4317), (4564) - rajesh[dot]kumar[dot]rb[at]nic[dot]in -
Shri D.K. Sahoo Section Officer (Personal Cell) 23015321, (4476) - dhirendra[dot]sahoo[at]rb[dot]nic[dot]in -
Shri Kulchandra Kumar Section Officer (Garage) 23015321, (4418) - -