ThePresident’s Secretariat

The President of India is the Head of the State and exercises powers as defined in the Constitution of India. The President’s Secretariat provides secretarial assistance to the President in discharging constitutional, ceremonial and other State responsibilities.

The President’s Secretariat is headed by the Secretary to the President who is assisted by a team of officers. The President’s Secretariat includes Secretariat, Household and Garden workcharged establishments. These wings perform tasks relating to constitutional, administrative, hospitality of State guests, petitions on wide ranging subjects from general public and maintenance of Rashtrapati Bhavan, President’s Estate and Gardens.

All matters requiring attention of the President in matters relating to executive power and powers under statutes or relating to appointments of constitutional authorities are received in the President’s Secretariat from the nodal Ministries concerned and submitted to the President. After decisions of the President files go back to the concerned Ministries.

The President’s Secretariat is located at

Rashtrapati Bhavan,    
New Delhi, India – 110 004.

  91-11-23017290 / 91-11-23017824


Q-1) Information about the Bills assented to by the President and Bills passed by the Parliament and pending before the President of India.

Ans) The Bills assented to by the President are accessible on the President's Secretariat website, "https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in". The detailed information is also available on the official website of Lok Sabha.

Q-2) Number of times the President of India has consulted the Supreme Court under Article 143, of Indian Constitution.

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Law and Justice (Department of Legal Affairs), being the nodal Department in the matter.

Q-3) Provide original copy of Right to Information Act-2005 which was passed by the President of India.

Ans) The information in respect of RTI Act, 2005 may be obtained from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, (Department of Personnel and Training), being the nodal Department in the matter.

Q-4) Guidelines regarding nomination as Members of Rajya Sabha, who are appointed by the President.

Ans) Guidelines for nomination as Members of Rajya Sabha may be obtained from Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry in the matter.

Q-5) The colour, size, fabric and manufacturer of Indian National Flag that is adopted by the Constitution of India.

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Home Affairs being the nodal Ministry in the matter.

Q-6) Who appoints the Governors of Indian States? Can a Governor (Head of State) hold two (2) offices at a time and who pays for the expenses incurred by the Raj Bhavans?

Ans) The Governor of a State shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his/her hand and seal as per Article 155 of the Constitution of India. The emoluments, allowances and privileges of Governors are governed by "The Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges), Act, 1982", and "The Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Rules, 1987", details of which may be obtained from Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry in the matter.

Q-7) Who appoints the Lt. Governors of Union Territories? Can a Lt. Governor hold two (2) offices at a time and who pays for the expenses incurred by the Raj Niwases?

Ans) The Lt. Governor of a State shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his/her hand and seal as per Article 239(1) of the Constitution of India. Other details in this regard may be obtained from Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry in the matter.

Q-8) Information about the State Bills assented to by the President and State Bills pending before the President.

Ans) The Bills assented to by the President are available on the President's Secretariat https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in. website. For other detailed information, Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry and custodian of records in the matter may be approached.

Q-9) How many requests for pardon, respite, commutations or reprieves are pending before the President.

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry and custodian of records in the matter.

Q-10) Detailed information of Mercy petitions filed before the President under Article 72(c) of the Constitution of India till date.

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry and custodian of records in the matter.

Q-11) Detailed information of Mercy petitions received, pending, action taken during the tenure of the current President.

Ans ) The related information is available on the President's Secretariat 'https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in'. website However, the applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry and custodian of records in the matter.

Q-12) What is the selection process or criteria for appointment of Chief Justice of India and Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts?

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, being the nodal Department and custodian of records in the matter.

Q-13) List of Composition of Delegation accompanied with the President during State Visits abroad.

Ans) The information is available on the President's Secretariat website i.e. 'https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in'.

Q-14) What is the Selection Procedure, Ground for Selection, Recommendees name, Citation, Notification, monetary allowance, benefits etc. given to the Awardees of Padma Award, Police Award, Fire Service and Home Guard, Correctional Service Medal, Jeevan Rakshak Padak, etc.?

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Home Affairs, being the nodal Ministry and custodian of records in the matter.

Q-15) What is the Selection Procedure, Ground for Selection, Recommendees name, Citation, Notification, monetary allowance, benefits etc. given to Defence Personnel for gallantry awards like Param Vir Chakra, Vir Chakra, Shaurya Chakra, Kirti Chakra and Service Medal like PVSM, AVSM, VSM SM?

Ans) The applicant is advised to obtain the information from the Ministry of Defence, being the nodal Ministry and custodian of records in the matter.

Q-16) What is the salary of the President?

Ans) Please refer to the President's (Emoluments and Pension Act, 1951) vide link https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/defauIt/files/PresidentsActupto2018_09082018.pdf

Q-17) Kindly provide the salary slip of the President.

Ans) The details of Salary Slip of the President of India could not be provided as it is personal in nature and therefore, it is exempted under Section 8(1)(j) of RTI Act.

Q-18) Is the salary of the President of India taxable or not?

Ans) The salary of President of India is taxable.

Q-19) How much income tax was paid by the President of India till now.

Ans) The details of Income Tax paid by the President of India could not be provided as it is personal in nature and therefore, it is exempted under Section 8(1)(j) of RTI Act.

Q-20) Information related to the President's food expenses. Expense information that is incurred by hosting dinners and banquets at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Ans ) There is no separate account kept for each particular function. The expenditure is incurred from the Annual Budget allocated to Household Section.

Q-21) What is the reply received from the Ministry/Departmentof Central/State Government to whom the petition has been forwarded?

Ans) This Secretariat forwards petition to concerned Ministry/Department of Central/State Government for appropriate attention. Applicant is requested to approach concerned Public authority to whom his/her petition has been forwarded.

Q-22) What is the action taken on my petition submitted on the online portal i.e. http://helpline.rb.nic.in?

Ans) The status report of the portal petition is available on the website http://helpline.rb.nic.in.

Proactive Disclosure (RTI)

Sr.  No.Sub. No. Provision in the ActInformation in respect of The President’s Secretariat
1 Organisation and Function 
1.1 Particulars of its organisation, functions and duties[Section 4(1) b(i)] 
 1.1.1Name and address of the OrganizationPresident's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004
 1.1.2Head of the Organization

Secretary to the President 


 1.1.3Vision, Mission and Key Objectives"About us " on the website of President’s Secretariat.
 1.1.4Function and dutiesWork Distribution in the President's Secretariat
 1.1.5Organization ChartOrganization Chart
 1.1.6Any other details-the genesis, inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from time to time as well as the committees/ Commissions constituted from time to time have been dealt


"About us " on the website of President’s Secretariat.

List of Secretaries

1.2 Powers and duties of its officers and employees[Section 4(1) b(ii)] 
 1.2.1Powers and duties of officers (administrative, financial and judicial)



Work Distribution in the President's Secretariat

O & M Book Part 1

O & M Book Part 2

 1.2.2Power and duties of other employees
 1.2.3Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and
 1.2.5Work Allocation
1.3 Procedure followed in decision making process[Section 4(1) b(iii)] 
 1.3.1Process of decision making Identify key decision making pointsAs per the Government of India laid down procedure.
 1.3.2Final decision making authorityOrganization Chart
 1.3.3Related provisions, acts, rules etc.As per the Government of India laid down procedure.
 1.3.4Time limit for taking a decisions, if anyThere is no time limit prescribed for disposal of matters, however, strict time lines are adhered and action is taken as early as possible.
 1.3.5Channel of supervision and accountabilityOrganization Chart
1.4 Norms for discharge of functions[Section 4(1) b(iv)] 
 1.4.1Nature of functions/ services offered"About us " on the website of President’s Secretariat.
 1.4.2Norms/ standards for functions/ service deliveryAs per the Government of India laid down procedure.
 1.4.3Process by which these services can be accessed

Services are available on the following websites:-





All communications/ petitions may be delivered by hand/ post at Central Registry Section (CR Section) President’s Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004 [Entry through Gate No.38 on Church Road];

and by Email also.

[Email addresses of the Officers of President’s Secretariat are given in the Telephone Directory on the website https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in/


 1.4.4Time-limit for achieving the targetsThere is no Citizen's Charter available in the President’s Secretariat, however the targets are achieved within strict time-lines.
 1.4.5Process of redressal of grievancesThe grievances can be sent by email/ post or can be delivered to the appropriate authority as per Organisation Chart available on the website.
1.5 Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions[Section 4(1) b(v)] 
 1.5.1Title and nature of the record/ manual/ instruction

President’s Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Services) Rules, 2017

Recruitment Rules for various category in Household and Garden (Work-charged) Establishments of the President’s Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

Recruitment Rules for Garden (Work-charged) Establishment of President’s Gardens (New Delhi, Bolarum & Mashobra).

[The above rules are available on the website of President’s Secretariat]

This Secretariat follows general rules/ regulations as prescribed by the Government of India from time to time.

For Transfer Policy and transfer orders, please refer to point No.1.13.1 below.

 1.5.2List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records
 1.5.3Acts/ Rules manuals etc
 1.5.4Transfer policy and transfer orders
1.6 Categories of documents held by the authority under its control[Section 4(1) b(vi)] 
 1.6.1Categories of documentsCategories of documents are as per the Record Retention Schedule of President’s Secretariat as given in O&M Part-I and O&M Part-II for each Section.
 1.6.2Custodian of documents/ categoriesThe Under Secretary (Records) is the custodian of records kept in Record Room of President’s Secretariat, however, individual Branch Officers as per Organisation Chart are the custodian of records held under their control.
1.7 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority[Section 4(1) b(viii)] 
 1.7.1Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc

Complaints Committee on Sexual Harassment


 1.7.3Dates from which constituted
Local Purchase Committee (GA) - 10 Aug 2021

Members:- US(GA), SO(Estt.) & SO(EBA)

 1.7.4Term/ Tenure 
 1.7.5Powers and function 
 1.7.6Whether their meetings are open to the public?No
 1.7.7Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public?No
 1.7.8Place where the minutes if open to the public are available?Not Applicable
1.8 Directory of officers and employees[Section 4(1) b(ix)] 
 1.8.1Name and designationTelephone directory available on the website of President's Secretariat.                                  
Telephone Directory
 1.8.2Telephone. fax and email ID
1.9 Monthly Remuneration received by officers and employees including system of compensation[Section 4(1) b(x)] 
 1.9.1List of employees with Gross monthly remunerationMonthly Remuneration received by Officers and Staff
 1.9.2System of compensation as provided in its regulations 
1.10 Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers[Section 4(1) b(xvi)] 
 1.10.1Name and designation of the Public Information Officer (PIO), Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) & Appellate Authority

Appellate Officer

Smt. Vidisha Maitra, Officer on Special Duty                                  
Telephone : 011 – 23792199                                  
Email : faa@rb.nic.in

Central Public Information Officer

Shri Bharat Bhushan, Deputy Secretary                            
Telephone : 011 – 23015321                            
Email :b.bhushan.rb@nic.in

Central Assistant Public Information Officer

Shri Gautam Kumar, Under Secretary (Public-I,Public-II,RTI,Welfare)                          
Telephone :23015321, (4244)                            

Address for all above

President’s Secretariat,                                  
Rashtrapati Bhavan,                                  
New Delhi-110004.


 1.10.2Address, telephone numbers and email ID of each designated official
1.11 No. of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken(Section 4(2)) 
 1.11.1No. of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been (i) Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings

Period from 07.12.2022 to till date of submission

02 Cases

 1.11.2(ii) Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings01 Major Penalty
1.12 Programmes to advance understanding of RTI(Section 26) 
 1.12.1Educational ProgrammesPeriodic conferences/ Seminars to sensitize, familiarize and educate the officials of President’s Secretariat about the relevant provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005 for effective discharge of their duties and responsibilities, are conducted through Administration Section of President’s Secretariat in liaison with Institute of Secretariat Training & Management (ISTM), etc.
 1.12.2Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes
 1.12.3Training of CPIO/APIO
 1.12.4Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned
1.13 Transfer policy and transfer orders[F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.4.2013] 
 1.13.1Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders[F No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.4.2013]There is no particular transfer policy.  However, transfers of Officers/ staff are executed from one section to another section in President’s Secretariat.
2 Budget and Programme 
2.1 Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc.[Section 4(1) b(xi)] 
 2.1.1Total Budget for the public authority



Expenses in respect of President’s Secretariat come under major head “2012” & "4075". The Details of which are available on www.indiabudget.gov.in under demand No.80.

 2.1.2Budget for each agency and plan & programmes
 2.1.3Proposed expenditures
 2.1.4Revised budget for each agency, if any
 2.1.5Report on disbursements made and place where the related reports are available
2.2 Foreign and domestic tours(F No. 1/8/2012-IR dt. 11.9.2012) 
 2.2.1BudgetIn case of domestic tour, the expenditure on the Air travel of the President is borne by the Ministry of Defence and the rest of the expenditure is borne by the respective State/UT Government whereas in case of Foreign tour, the expenditure on the Air travel of the President is borne by the Ministry of Defence and rest of the expenditure is borne by Ministry of External Affairs.
 2.2.2Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department.- (a) Places Visited, (b) The period of Visit, (c) The number of members in the official delegation, (d) Expenditure on the visit

For (a) to (c), the details regarding foreign and domestic tours in respect of President of India are available on the President's Secretariat Website (https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in)

As regards (d), please refer Point 2.2.1


 2.2.3Information related to procurements- (a) Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon, (b) Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services being procured, (c) The workd contracts concluded-in any such combination of the above-and, (d) The rate/ rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executedInformation related to procurements
2.3 Manner of execution of subsidy programme[Section 4(i)b(xii)] 
2.4 Discretionary and non-discretionary grants [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] 
 2.4.1Discretionary and non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./ NGOs/ other institutionsThe Discretionary Grant of The President for each financial year is Rs.2,00,00,000/- (Rupees Two crore Only).
 2.4.2Annual accounts of all legal entities who are provided grants by public authorities 
2.5 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority[Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)]Not Applicable
2.6 CAG & PAC paras [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] 
 2.6.1CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliamentNo CAG and PAC paras pending
3 Publicity Band Public InterfaceNot Applicable
 3.3.1Use of the most effective means of communication – Internet (website)

Services are available for access on the following websites:-





 3.4.1Information manual/handbook available in Electronic format

Information available on the website of President’s Secretariat


 3.4.2Information manual/ handbook available in Printed format
 3.5.1List of materials available Free of cost
 3.5.2List of materials available at a reasonable cost of the medium
4 E-Governance 
4.1 Language in which Information Manual/Handbook Available [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] 
 4.1.1EnglishThe website of the President of India and the President’s Secretariat is available in Hindi and English languages.
 4.1.2Vernacular/ Local Language
4.2 When was the information Manual/Handbook last updated? [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] 
 4.2.1Last date of Annual updationO&M Manual was updated in 1994.
4.3 Information available in electronic form[Section 4(1)b(xiv)] 
 4.3.1Details of information available in electronic form

Services are available for access on the following websites:-





 4.3.2Name/ title of the document/ record/ other information
 4.3.3Location where available
4.4 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information[Section 4(1)b(xv)] 
 4.4.1Name & location of the faculty

The citizens of India may get information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 as under:- 

(i) The online RTI applications may be filed on the website :- https://rtionline.gov.in

(ii) The offline RTI applications may be addressed to the CPIO, President’s Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004.  Such applications may be sent by post or may be submitted by Hand at the Central Registry Section (CR Section), President’s Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004. (Entry through Gate No.38 on Church Road).

 4.4.2Details of information made available

The information is available on the following website:


 4.4.3Working hours of the faculty

The normal working hours are from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

The Holiday :- Saturday, Sunday and Gazetted Holidays.

Central Registry (CR Section) of President’s Secretariat works round the clock on all the days throughout the year.

 4.4.4Contact person & contact details (phone, fax, email)

Appellate Officer

Smt. Vidisha Maitra, Officer on Special Duty                                  
Telephone : 011 – 23792199                                  
Email : faa@rb.nic.in

Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)

Shri Bharat Bhushan, Deputy Secretary                            
Telephone : 011 – 23015321                            
Email : b.bhushan.rb@nic.in

Central Assistant Public Information Officer

Shri Gautam Kumar, Under Secretary (Public-I,Public-II,RTI,Welfare)                           
Telephone : 23015321, (4244)                          
Email: k.gautam@nic.in    

Address for all above

President’s Secretariat,                                  
Rashtrapati Bhavan,                                  
New Delhi-110004.

4.5 Such other information as may be prescribed under Section 4(i) (b)(xvii) 
 4.5.1Grievance redressal mechanism

The President’s Secretariat receives grievances from the public which are forwarded to the concerned Ministries/ Departments of Central Government or to the concerned State Government as per the contents of the grievances.

Written grievances of public can be sent to President’s Secretariat by post or by email on Email id: us.petitions@rb.nic.in or it can also be delivered at the Central Registry Section (CR Section), President’s Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004 (Entry through Gate No.38 on Church Road).

Petitions are acknowledged by President’s Secretariat and information is also given in the acknowledgement as to which Ministry/Department of the Central Government or to which State Government, the petition has been forwarded.

Petitioners can also see the status of action taken on the petition at the website http://helpline.rb.nic.in and also on their email if given in the petition.

Petitioners can also enquire about the status of their petitions from Public-I Section of President’s Secretariat on Telephone No. 011-23015321 Extn.4453 for Central Government related grievances; and from Public-II Section of President’s Secretariat on Telephone No. 011-23015321 Extn.4418 for State Government related grievances.

 4.5.2Details of applications received under RTI and information providedDetails of RTI Applications are available in para no. 4.6.1
 4.5.3List of completed schemes/ Projects/ ProgrammesNot Applicable
 4.5.4List of schemes/ Projects/ Programme underwayNot Applicable
 4.5.5Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contractTender Notices | The President's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, Government of India (rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in)
 4.5.6Annual ReportNot Applicable
 4.5.7Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)https://rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in/faq
 4.5.8Any other information such as - (a) Citizen's Charter, (b) Result Framework Document (RFD), (c) Six monthly reports on the, (d) Performance against the benchmarks set in the Citizen's Charter

As of now, there is no Citizen's Charter available in President’s Secretariat. However, information about the services/ Petitions/ RTI Act,  is given on the following websites:-





4.6 Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals [F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] 
 4.6.1Details of applications received and disposed

Necessary action is taken on each RTI application as per provisions of The Right to Information Act, 2005.

Details may please be seen below:-

Details of RTI Applications (2010-2011)

Details of RTI Applications (2011-2012)

Details of RTI Applications (2012-2013)

Details of RTI Applications (2013-2014)

Details of RTI Applications (2014-2015)

Details of RTI Applications (2015-2016)

Details of RTI Applications (2016-2017)

Details of RTI Applications (2017-2018)

Details of RTI Applications (2018-2019)

Details of RTI Applications (2019-2020)

Details of RTI Applications (2020-2021)

Details of RTI Applications (2021-2022)

Details of RTI Applications (2022-2023)

Details of RTI Applications (2023-2024)

Details of RTI Applications (2024-2025)

 4.6.2Details of appeals received and order issued

Necessary action is taken on Appeals as per provisions of The Right to Information Act, 2005.

Details may please be seen below:-

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2016)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2016)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(January-March 2017)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(April-June 2017)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2017)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2017)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(January-March 2018)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(April-June 2018)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2018)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2018)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(January-March 2019)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(April-June 2019)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2019)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2019)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(January-March 2020)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(April-June 2020)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2020)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2020)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(January-March 2021)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(April-June 2021)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2021)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2021)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(January-March 2022)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(April-June 2022)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2022)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(October-December 2022)

Quarterly status of 1st Appeals(July-September 2024)

4.7 Replies to questions asked in the parliament[Section 4(1)(d)(2)] 
 4.7.1Details of questions asked and replies given

This Secretariat does not reply directly to the Parliament; however it furnishes the required information obtained from concerned sections to the Ministry/ Department.

All replies related to Parliament questions can be seen on the concerned Ministries’ website or on the website of the Parliament.

5 Information as may be prescribed 
5.1 Such other information as may be prescribed [F. No. 1/2/2016-IR dt. 17.08.2016, F. No. 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] 


Name & details of - (a) Current CPIOs & FAAs

Appellate Officer

Smt. Vidisha Maitra, Officer on Special Duty                                  
Telephone : 011 – 23792199                                  
Email : faa@rb.nic.in

Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)

Shri Bharat Bhushan, Deputy Secretary                            
Telephone : 011 – 23015321                            
Email : b.bhushan.rb@nic.in                             
Telephone : 011 – 23015321                            
Email : b.bhushan.rb@nic.in

Central Assistant Public Information Officer

Shri Gautam Kumar, Under Secretary (Public-I,Public-II,Welfare)                            
Telephone : 23015321, (4244)                         

Address for all above

President’s Secretariat,                                  
Rashtrapati Bhavan,                                  
New Delhi-110004.

 (b) Earlier CPIO & FAAs from 1.1.2015

Former CPIOs

(i) Shri Saurabh Vijay, Director & CPIO                                  
(ii) Shri N. K. Sudhansu, Director & CPIO                                  
(iii) Shri J.G. Subramanian, Director (S) & CPIO                                  
(iv) Shri R. K. Sharma, OSD & CPIO                                  
(v) Smt. Rubina Chauhan, Dy. Secy. & CPIO

Former Appellate Authorities (AA)

(i) Smt. Gaitri lssar Kumar, JS-cum-SSP & AA                                  
(ii) Shri Randhir Kumar Jaiswal, JS-cum-SSP & AA                                  
(iii) Shri Ravi Shanker, JS-cum-SSP & AA

 5.1.2Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure - (a) Dates of audit carried out, (b) Report of the audit carried out

The Third Party Audit is done by the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) New Delhi and they have submitted the Audit Report on 01.11.2021.  The brief details of the report are as under:-

Total Marks = 764

Marks Obtained = 738

Auditor Remarks/URL = 683

 5.1.3Appointment of Nodal Officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary/ Additional HoD - (a) Date of appointment, (b) Name & Designation of the officers

Office Order No.I-13011/01/16-Admn dated 28th August, 2020 regarding appointment of Joint Secretary to the President as the ‘Nodal Officer’.



Dr. Rakesh Gupta,                                  
Additional Secretary to the President

 5.1.4Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-notu disclosure - (a) Dates from which constituted, (b) Name & Designation of the officers

Office Order No.I-13011/01/22-Admn dated 27th December, 2022 regarding appointment of Consultancy Committee as under:-

vDS/US (Admin)Member
viWeb Information ManagerMember
 5.1.5Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI - (a) Dates from which constituted, (b) Name & designation of the officers

Office Order No.I-13011/01/16-Admn dated 28th August, 2020 regarding appointment of Committee of PIOs/ FAA as under:-

Smt. Vidisha Maitra, Officer on Special Duty & First Appellate Authority

Shri Bharat Bhushan, Deputy Secretary                            
Shri Ajay Saini, Under Secretary (RTI,Record, O&M and CR)

6 Information Disclosed on own Initiative 
6.1 Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information 
 6.1.1Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information

Information regarding following subjects is given on   https://presidentofindia.gov.in :-

  1. Government Bills assented by The President
  2. Mercy Petitions
  3. Domestic & Foreign visits of the President
  4. E-Presidential Messages System (E-PMS)
  5. Rashtrapati Bhavan Library
  6. Budget allocation of President’s Secretariat
  7. Designations of officers and their pay-scales
  8. Recruitment Rules
  9. Telephone Directory
6.2 Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February, 2009 and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Publ 
 6.2.1Whether STQC certification obtained and its validityThe website is as per GIGW guidelines.
 6.2.2Does the website show the certificate on the Website?Yes

Work Distribution in The President’s Secretariat

Name of OfficersName of PostWork distribution
1. Office of Secretary to the President
Deepti Umashankar, IAS (HY:93)Secretary to the PresidentHead of the President’s Secretariat
Anand Mohan JhaPrincipal Private Secretary 
Usha SudhindraPrincipal Private Secretary 
2. Office of Additional Secretary to the President
Dr. Rakesh Gupta, IAS (HY: 1997)Additional Secretary to the PresidentAdministration and Constitutional matters
Varun RanjanPrivate Secretary 
Shri Mayank Kumar TyagiPrivate Secretary 
3. Office of Press Secretary to the President
Ajay Kumar SinghPress Secretary to the PresidentPress, Media and Speech related matters
Anurag SharmaPrivate Secretary 
4. Office of Military Secretary to the President
Maj Gen Voodev Parida, VSMMilitary Secretary to the PresidentCeremonial, Tours and Invitation related matters
Krishna Kant RaiPrincipal Private Secretary 
5. Personal Cell
Debasweta Banik, IAS (HP:2013)Private Secretary to the PresidentMatter relating to functions, appointment with the President
Mritunjaya Sharma, IRS (IT : 2009)Officer on Special Duty to the President 
Dhirender Kumar SahooSection Officer 
Ratnesh KumarSection Officer 
6. Press and Media Division
Bijaya Kumar Nayak, IAS (OD:2007) (Retd)Additional Press Secretary to the PresidentPress, Media and speeches related matters
Kiran KumariPrivate Secretary 
Sunil Kumar TrivediOfficer on Special Duty 
Jai BhagwanPrivate Secretary 
Navika Gupta, IIS (2010)Deputy Press Secretary to the President 
Kiran BalaPrincipal Private Secretary 
Sourav KarmakarPhotographic Officer 
7. Administration, Establishment and Reservation Cell
Joseph AntonyDirectorAll matters related to all staff of the 
President’s Secretariat including Household and Garden
Pankaj SaurabhUnder Secretary 
Rajesh KumarSection Officer 
Shailender Kumar YadavSection Officer
Suchit Kumar ManjhiSection Officer
(Reservation Cell)
8. Art &Museum
Swati Shahi, IP&T AFS Gr. A (2011)DirectorWorks related to Museum & Art
Pankaj Protim BordoloiDeputy Director 
Suraj Kumar UTechnical Officer 
Dr. Ruchi Singh BaoniDeputy Curator 
Umesh Kumar AhujaSenior Technical Restorer 
9. Cash, Bill Admn. &Estt. 
Bharat BhushanDeputy SecretaryMatters relating to preparation of bills 
for monthly salary, personal claims etc.
Prem Chand MeenaUnder Secretary (Drawing & Disbursing Officer) 
Anil KumarSection Officer 
10. Central Registry
Bharat BhushanDeputy SecretaryMatters relating to receipt and dispatch 
of all communications to and from 
the President’s Secretariat.
Gautam KumarUnder Secretary 
Uma ShankarSection Officer 
11. Ceremonial,Invitation,Tour
Gp. Capt A A Phansalkar, VMDMSP 
C. GanesanPrivate Secretary 
Sanjay SundriyalUnder Secretary 
Ashok KumarSection Officer (Invitation) 
Rajiv BaruaSection Officer (Ceremonial) 
Navin KumarSection Officer (Tour) 
12. Constitutional Affairs-I & II
Shivendra ChaturvediDirectorVarious Constitutional Affairs. Matters  
relating to powers vested on the President of India 
Appointments of Judges of the  
Supreme Court of India and High Courts,  
Comptroller and Auditor General of India,  
Chairman and Members of UPSC etc
S M SamiUnder Secretary 
Ashwani KumarSection Officer (CA-I) 
Zubair Alam KhanSection Officer (CA-II)  
13. Constitutional Affairs-III&
Swati Shahi, IP&T AFS Gr. A (2011)DirectorDeals with matters relating to Central  
Universities and other Institutes of higher learning.
Priyamvada RetheeshUnder Secretary     
Zubair Alam KhanSection Officer 
14. Estate Building and Accommodation (EBA) 
Mukesh Kumar, IES (2007)DirectorMaintenance of the President’s Estate,  
New Delhi.
Priyamvada RetheesUnder Secretary 
Ajit KumarSection Officer     
15. External Affairs Division
Vidisha Maitra, IFS (2009)Officer on Special Duty – Director LevelExternal Affair related matter in the President’s Secretariat
Tingneilhing KipgenPrivate Secretary 
S M SamiUnder Secretary 
Zubair Alam KhanSection Officer 
16. Garage 
Mukesh Kumar, IES (2007)DirectorProcurement and maintenance of vehicles
Davinder KohliUnder Secretary 
Kulchandra KumarSection Officer 
17. Garden Section
Mukesh Kumar, IES (2007)DirectorMaintenance of President’s Garden  
and attached gardens.
S M SamiUnder Secretary 
Suchit Kumar ManjhiSection Officer 
18. General Administration
Mukesh Kumar, IES (2007)DirectorProcurement of stationaries, uniforms 
IT items and functioning of telephone Exchange
DavinderKohliUnder Secretary 
Pramod KumarSection Officer 
19. Hindi Division
Gajraj SinghOfficer on Special Duty (Hindi)Works related to Hindi
20. Household Division
Capt(IN) Ravneet Singh RandhawaComptroller, President’s HouseholdMatters related to arrangements for  
accommodation and catering for official  
guests, arrangements in connection 
 with official functions at the  
Rashtrapati Bhavan. Maintenance of office 
and residence of the President etc.
Steffi ThomasiPrivate Secretary 
Avinesh YadavAddl. Comptroller, President’s Household 
Amit GothwalExecutive Chef     
Ramesh KumarSection Officer (Household) 
Amit KumarSection Officer (Sanitary) 
Dr. Sunish S, IDAS (2010)IFADeals with all matters relating to  
Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates,  
advice on various financial matters  
maintenance of Accounts etc
Aishwarya RawatPrivate Secrtary 
Mahender Pal PopliSenior Accounts Officer 
Abhishek Kumar JhaAssistant Accounts Officer 
Mohinder KumarAssistant Accounts Officer 
Laxmi Mahara BooshanamSection Officer, (IIAU) 
Phulva DeviSection Officer (Welfare) 
K.SrinivasSection Officer (PAO) 
22. Message, Reference & Clipping and Library
Navika Gupta, IIS (2010)Deputy Press Secretary to the PresidentMatters relating to “Messages” from the President
Neeta ThawaniSection Officer     
23. President Estate Clinic 
Col.(Dr.) Kiran Kumar KompellaPhysician to the PresidentMedical coverage to the President and others
Dr. Sameeksha JainDy. Physician to the President 
Shri Dinkar BhartiAssistant Section Officer 
24. Public I & II 
Bharat BhushanDeputy SecretaryMatters relating to public petitions, 
 appeals and representations, etc 
 received from the general public.
Gautam KumarUnder Secretary     
Kamlesh BoraSection Officer     
25. Record and O&M
Bharat BhushanDeputy SecretaryMaintenance and preservation of all records  
in the President’s Secretariat; andmatter  
relating to the organizational set up of the  
President’s Secretariat. 
P C MeenaUnder Secretary     
Kamlesh BoraSection Officer 
26. RTI 
Bharat BhushanDeputy Secretary &Central Public Information Officer 
Gautam KumarCentral Assistant Public Information Officer 
Ajay Kumar SainiUnder Secretary   
27. Visitor Facilitation Centre
Swati Shahi, IP&T AFS Gr. A (2011)DirectorMatters relating to visit of public  
to various circuits in the Rashtrapati Bhavan,  
R. N. Secunderabad and R. N. Mashobra.
Anupam Kumar NagPublic Relations Officer 
Kumar SamreshPublic Relations Officer 
28. First Appellate Authority
Vidisha Maitra, IFS (2009)Director 
29. Departmental Security Officer
Mukesh Kumar, IES(2007)Director 
30. Chief Vigilance Officer
Vidisha Maitra, IFS (2009)    Director 
31. Liaison Officer for  SC, ST & Ex-Servicemen
Joseph Antony    Director 
32. Liaison Officer for  OBC
Shivendra ChaturvediDirector 
33. Liaison Officer for PwD
Bharat BhushanDeputy Secretary 

Statement Showing the Posts and Scales of Officers of The President’s Secretariat

Sl. No.Name of OfficersName of PostPay Level
1Deepti Umashankar, IAS (HY:93)Secretary to the President17
2Dr. Rakesh Gupta, IAS (HY: 1997)Additional Secretary to the President15
3Ajay Kumar SinghPress Secretary to the PresidentConsolidated Amount
4Maj Gen Voodev Parida, VSMMilitary Secretary to the president14
5Sunil Kumar TrivediOfficer on Special Duty (Research)Consolidated Amount
6Mehta Sampada Suresh,  IAS (MH:2008)Private Secretary to the President13
7Bijaya Kumar Nayak, IAS (OD:2007) (Retd)Additional Press Secretary to the President13
8Mukesh Kumar, IES (2007)Director13
9Mritunjaya Sharma, IRS (IT: 2009)Officer on Special Duty to the President13
10Vidisha Maitra, IFS (2009)OSD (EA) – Director Level13
11Dr Sunish S, IDAS (2010)Director13
12Navika Gupta, IIS (2010)Deputy Press Secretary to the President13
13Joseph AntonyDirector13
14Shivendra ChaturvediDirector13
15Swati Shahi, IP&T AFS Gr. A (2011)Director13
16Col.(Dr.) Kiran Kumar KompellaPhysician to the President13
17Gp. Capt A APhansalkar, VMDMSP13
18Capt (IN)Ravneet Singh Randhawa Comptroller, President’s Household13
19Gajraj SinghOfficer on Special Duty(Hindi)13
20Prof.(Dr.) Vijaya Lakshmi MohantyAdvisor12
21Debasweta Banik, IAS (HP:2013)Private Secretary to the President12
22Bharat BhushanDeputy Secretary12
23Avinesh YadavAddl. Comptroller, President’s Household12
24Dr. Sameeksha JainDy. Physician to the President11
25Dr. Rajendra Prasad MishraAdditional Private Secretary11
26Arbinda Kumar MarndiPrincipal Private Secretary11
27Sabita Rani HemromPrincipal Private Secretary11
28S M SamiUnder Secretary11
29Davinder KohliUnder Secretary11
30Priyamvada ReetheesUnder Secretary11
31Gautam KumarUnder Secretary11
32Prem Chand MeenaUnder Secretary (Drawing & Disbursing Officer)11
33Sanjay SundriyalUnder Secretary11
34Pankaj SaurabhUnder Secretary11
35K. Rajani PriyaManager, RashtrapatiNilayam, Bolarum, Secunderabad 
36Anand Mohan JhaPrincipal Private Secretary11
37Kiran BalaPrincipal Private Secretary11
38Usha SudhindraPrincipal Private Secretary11
39Krishna Kant RaiPrincipal Private Secretary11
40Amit GothwalExecutive Chef11
41Anupam Kumar NagPRO11
42Pankaj Protim BordoloiDeputy Director11
43Kumar SamreshPRO11
44Shri Surat Kumar MohantaAdditional Private Secretary11
45Dr. Ruchi Singh BaoniDeputy Curator10
46Ajay Kumar SainiSection Officer10
47Ashok KumarSection Officer10
48Laxmi Mahara BooshanamSection Officer10
49Neeta ThavaniSection Officer10
50Phulva DeviSection Officer    10
51Zubair Alam KhanSection Officer10
52Sanju DograManager, Rashtrapati Niwas, Mashobra, Shimla10
53Kamlesh BoraSection Officer10
54Rajesh KumarSection Officer    10
55Dhirender Kumar SahooSection Officer10
56Kulchandra KumarSection Officer10
57Beni MarndiAssistant Private Secretary8
58Balaknath NaikAssistant Private Secretary8
59Rajeev BaruaSection Officer8
60Joy Kumar SahaSection Officer8
61Anil KumarSection officer8
62Ashwani KumarSection Officer8
63K. SriniwasSection Officer8
64Navin KumarSection Officer8
65Pramod KumarSection Officer8
66Amit KumarSection Officer8
67Shailendra Kumar YadavSection officer8
68Ramesh KumarSection Officer8
69Ratnesh KumarSection Officer8
70Ajit KumarSection Officer8
71Suchit Kumar ManjhiSection Officer8
72Uma ShankarSection Officer8
73Afshan ParveenSection Officer8
74R.K.MaheswariPrivate Secretary10
75Tingneilhing KipgenPrivate Secretary10
76Varun RanjanPrivate Secretary10
77Shri Mayank Kumar TyagiPrivate Secretary10
78Kiran KumariPrivate Secretary10
79Abhishek MisraPrivate Secretary8
80Steffi ThomasPrivate Secretary8
81Anurag SharmaPrivate Secretary8
82Aishwarya RawatPrivate Secretary8
83Jai BhagwanPrivate Secretary10
84Mahender Pal PopliSenior Accounts Officer10
85Abhishek Kumar JhaAssistant Accounts Officer8
86Mohinder Kumar, AAOAssistant Accounts Officer8
87Suraj Kumar UTechnical Officer10
88Umesh Kumar AhujaSenior Technical Restorer7
89Sourav KarmakarPhotographic Officer7

* The list of officers is not strictly as per seniority.

 Right to Information Act
Sr. No.Provision in the ActInformation in respect of The President’s Secretariat
1Particulars of its organization, functions and dutiesThe information is available in The President’s Secretariat’s website.
2Powers and duties of its officers and employeesA chart showing work allocation of all the officers of The President’s Secretariat is posted on the website
3Procedure followed in its decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountabilityThe work allocation on the website gives the procedure followed in decision making process. The work allocation also covers the accountability part.
4Norms set by it for the discharge of its functions.There are no specific norms for the President’s Secretariat. General norms/instructions as applicable to Ministries/Departments of Govt of India apply to the President’s Secretariat also.
5Rules, regulations, instructions, manual and records used by its employees for discharging its functions.The President’s Secretariat follows the general rules/regulations, as applicable to other Central Ministries/ Departments
6Statements of the categories of documents held by it or under its controlUnder Article 77(3), the President had made rules for the Transaction of Business of the Government of India and for allocation of such business amongst Ministries. Concerned Ministries are the custodian of the original files and papers.
7Particulars of any arrangements that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public, in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereofSince the policies are formulated and implemented by respective Ministries and Departments, there is no arrangement specific to the President’s Secretariat for consultation with members of public.
8Statement of boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted by it. Additionally, information as to whether the meetings of these are open to the public, or the minutes’ of such meetings are accessible to the publicNot applicable
9Directory of its officers and employeesThe names with designation of the officers are posted on the website.
10Monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulationsThe information is posted on the website.
11Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made.Plans and policies are implemented by the Ministries concerned.
12Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details and beneficiaries of such programme.Not applicable.
13Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it.Not applicable.
14Details of the information available to, or held by it, reduced in an electronic form.The information is posted on the website.
15Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.There is no library or reading room maintained for the public by The President’s Secretariat
16Names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.Names and designations of the Public Information Officers for The President’s Secretariat are posted on the website.


Right to Information Act 2005

Sr. No. Title View PDF
1 Garden Tenders (2020-21) Garden Tenders (2020-21).pdf
Garden Tenders (2020-21)
(1.52 MB)
2 Details of RTI Applications (2010-2011) details_of_rti_applications_2010-2011.pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2010-2011)
(688.92 KB)
3 Details of RTI Applications (2011-2012) Details of RTI Applications (2011-2012).pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2011-2012)
(1.85 MB)
4 Details of RTI Applications (2012-2013) Details of RTI Applications (2012-2013).pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2012-2013)
(1.15 MB)
5 Details of RTI Applications (2013-2014) Details of RTI Applications (2013-2014).pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2013-2014)
(546.53 KB)
6 Details of RTI Applications (2014-2015) Details of RTI Applications (2014-2015).pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2014-2015)
(664.15 KB)
7 Details of RTI Applications (2015-2016) Details of RTI Applications (2015-2016).pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2015-2016)
(1.76 MB)
8 Details of RTI Applications (2016-2017) details_of_rti_applications_2016-2017.pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2016-2017)
(1.51 MB)
9 Details of RTI Applications (2017-2018) details_of_rti_applications_2017-2018.pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2017-2018)
(321.36 KB)
10 Details of RTI Applications (2018-2019) details_of_rti_applications_2018-2019.pdf
Details of RTI Applications (2018-2019)
(327.33 KB)